Anne Hyde, die einzige Tochter von Edward Hyde, wurde im Jahr 1654 von der ältesten Schwester von Karl II. Stuart, Maria Stuart (1631-1660), der verwitweten Prinzessin von Oranien, zu einer ihrer Ehrendamen ernannt. In ihrem kleinen Notizbuch machte sie folgenden Eintrag: "I was born the 12 day of March, old stile, in the Yeare of our Lord 1637 at Cranborne Lodge, near Windsor, in Berkshire, and lived in my owne country till I was 12 yeares old having in that time seen the ruin of Church and State and the Murtheringe of my Kinge." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., p. 11).
Anne Hyde "was a plucky girl, with wit, fine intelligence and sound common sense. In addition, a strict religious upbringing had instilled in her a strong sense of morality and personal dignity which was never to be set aside. She was no beauty, yet in her youth she had a pretty figure and lovely hands, and the kind of captivating good looks ..." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., p. 12). Im Jahr 1656 begleitete Anne ihre Herrin Maria Stuart zu deren Mutter Henriette Maria nach Frankreich, und dort verliebte sie sich in den jüngeren Bruder von Maria Stuart, Jakob II. (VII.) (1633-1701). "[Jakob] was then twenty-two years old, tall and good-looking. He had fought in the French war against Condé and gained a reputation for courage which gave him a certain glamour that hid his many bad characteristics from this impressionable girl of eighteen [Anne Hyde]. The Duke [Jakob II. (VII.)] was still dependent upon his mother, who had always been severely strict with him ..." Anne Hyde machte einen großen Eindruck auf Letzteren, wie er seinem Tagebuch anvertraute: [Man schrieb sich selbst immer in der dritten Person an!] "When his sister the Princess Royale came to Paris to see the Queen Mother, Mistress Anne Hyde was one of her maids of honour who there attended her. It happened that after some conversation together, the Duke fell in love with her, she having witt and other qualitys capable of surprising a heart less inclineable to the Sexe than that of his Royal Highness in the first warmth of his youth. She indeed shew'd both her witt and her virtue in managing the affaire so dexterously that between the time he first saw her, and the winter before the King's Restoration he resolved to marry none but her, and promised her to do it." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., p. 13). Für Anne Hyde, so verliebt sie auch war, stand fest, dass sie nur nach der Heirat mit Jakob II. (VII.) das Bett teilen würde. Im November 1656 begab sich Maria Stuart mit ihren Ehrendamen zurück zu den Niederlanden. Einen Zwischenstopp legte sie in Brügge ein, wo sich bereits auch ihre Brüder Karl II. und Jakob II. (VII.) befanden. Anne Hyde war hier schließlich bis in den Frühling 1657 hinein mit ihrer großen Liebe zusammen, bis letztendlich nach den Niederlanden aufgebrochen wurde. Hier in Breda heirateten Jakob II. (VII.) und Anne Hyde schließlich am 24. November 1659 in aller Heimlickeit. Weder Jakobs noch Annes Familie hatten die geringste Ahnung.