Wer ist Mona Lisa? – Identifizierung einer Unbekannten mit Hilfe historischer Quellen
als Buch bei amazon.de: 172 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 136 Bildern (130 Bilder in Farbe), Independently published, 1. Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31
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Dieses Porträt von ihm wurde von der Prinzessin Louise Hollandine von der Pfalz (1622-1709) erstellt.
Über die Beziehung von William und Elisabeth Stuart lesen wir Folgendes: "Lord Craven, proprietor of the house where she [Elisabeth Stuart] lives and the principal director of her court ... By the close of the eighteenth century a story was current that, at some period during her widowhood in Holland, the Queen of Hearts [Elisabeth Stuart] had secretly bestowed her hand upon her benefactor. The wife of the sixth Earl Craven repeated the rumour in her memories. ... Lord Craven died unmarried at the age of eighty-eight. Hundreds of portraits of the Winter Queen, her family and her circle looked down from the walls of one of his country houses upon his declining years ... There is ample evidence, however, that Elisabeth’s memory was cherished to the last by her chivalrous host, who remained upon friendly terms with her children, and was appointed by Prince Rupert sole executor, and guardian of his natural daughter Ruperta. Lord Craven survived Elizabeth of Bohemia by thirty-five years." (in: Carola Oman: Elizabeth of Bohemia, id., pp. 451-453)
Über William, the First Earl of Craven, der den Gatten von Elisabeth Stuart, den Kurfürsten Friedrich V. von der Pfalz und König von Böhmen, bereits auf seinen letzten Reisen begleitet hatte, wird im Jahr 1632 Folgendes berichtet: "Lord Craven was the kind of young man that she [Elisabeth Stuart] understood and appreciated. At the age of twelve he had inherited a prodigious new fortune. His father had been a Lord Mayor of London. But, at the age of nineteen, William Craven had deserted Trinity College, Oxford, for the wars of the Low Countries. He had served with distinction under both Maurice and Frederick Henry of Nassau. He was now a commander in the army raised by the Marquis Hamilton for the relief of the Palatinate. To cynical observers, the open-handed and singularly unsophisticated bachelor peer, of small stature, who incomprehensibly preferred hardships of the camp to the pleasures of the court, was chiefly remarkable for his money-bags. But Elizabeth of Bohemia knew that William Craven had also a heart of gold. He was devoted to children, and always had a pocketful of little gifts for her nursery. She had made him god-father to her last-born. By an odd chance, Lord Crave was the owner of Combe Abbey [wo Elisabeth Stuart von 1603 bis 1613 ihre Jugend verbracht hatte]." (in: Carola Oman: Elizabeth of Bohemia, id., pp. 315-316)
Wer ist Mona Lisa? – Identifizierung einer Unbekannten mit Hilfe historischer Quellen
als Buch bei amazon.de: 172 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 136 Bildern (130 Bilder in Farbe), Independently published, 1. Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9831-3666-5, € 29,31
als Buch bei amazon.de: 552 Seiten, mit Stammtafeln und 292 sw Bildern, Independently published, 1. Auflage, ISBN 978-1-9768-8527-3, € 31,84 (großes Buchformat: 21 x 27 cm)
als E-Book bei amazon.de erhältlich, ca. 1.000 Seiten mit Stammtafeln und 292 Bildern, € 29,89
Frauen in der Renaissance – 30 Einzelschicksale
seit Oktober 2017 als Buch in überarbeiteter Version bei amazon.de erhältlich, 432 Seiten, mit 304 SW-Bildern, € 20,20; ISBN 978-1-5498-9445-9
ab Dezember 2014 als E-Book in überarbeiteter Version bei amazon.de erhältlich, mit 346 Bildern (davon 268 in Farbe), € 18,03