Der Alltag im Mittelalter 352 Seiten, mit 156 Bildern, ISBN 3-8334-4354-5, 2., überarbeitete Auflage 2006, € 23,90
Georg war das sechste Kind des Königs Friedrich III. von Dänemark und Norwegen (1609-1670) und dessen Gattin Sophie Amalie von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1628-1685)
Georg von Dänemark und Norwegen "was bred to the sea. Throughout his life he was a typical sailor, and although they tried to make a courtier of him by sending him to France, Italy and Germany to acquire polish and languages, he never lost his simple kindly ways, and he spoke all foreign tongues so atrociously that his accent became a jest at the Courts of Europe." Er war zudem nicht besonders intelligent. Karl II. Stuart verlor das Interesse an ihm "with the caustic remark that he 'had tried George drunk and he had tried him sober and there was nothing in him. Except that Prince George drank a good deal, as most men of his time did, he was free from all vice. ... Anne [Stuart, seine Gattin] not only loved her devoted husband, but throughout his life she showed an almost maternal desire to protect him from the slights which he experienced only too often in England and which always hurt his pride." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., pp. 89-90).
Georgs Karriere begann erst nach dem Aufstieg seiner Gattin Anne Stuart zur Königin von England, Schottland und Irland im Jahr 1702: "When all the first necessary formalities had been completed, Anne was able to fulfil her dearest wish; to wave her wand like a fairy queen, and make the Prince, her dear George, Generalissimo of the Forces on land and Lord High Admiral of the Fleet. Probably nothing in Anne's life gave her so much satisfaction as this. Amidst the initial drudgery of sovereignty it was her first sweet taste of power. But it was something much more than that: not only could she show the world at last that her husband was the finest man in all the realm, but her affectionate heart was trying to recompense him for his fidelity and love, and all the slights he had endured so uncomplaining for her sake since he first came to England. It mattered not in the least that he was totally incompetent to fill either post. ... But when she desired that her husband should be given equal rank to her own, this was found to be unconstitutional, and the sensible George himself quietly set the idea aside." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., p. 175).
aber: "On his return to The Hague Marlborough again pressed the matter which Anne had so earnestly and insistently urged upon him before he left England, in regard to the nomination of Prince George to the Chief Command of the Allied Armies. The Allies, however, being quite determined that this should not be agreed to, put an end to the matter by offering the command to Marlborough himself with a salary of £10,000 a year. The disappointment of her husband was very hard for Anne to bear, and for once in his life this kindly man showed bitterness and a suspicion of Marlborough's integrity. But there was no word of censure from Anne, whose good sense had come to her aid by this time ..." (in: Marie Ruan Hopkinson: Anne of England – The Biography of a great Queen, id., p. 190).
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